Author Archives: Richard Samson

About Richard Samson

I’m a teacher living in Osona, Spain. I'm into tennis, dogs, and chickens. I’m also interested in translation and Moodle (well, digital tools for teaching, in general).

Record de la Xesca

L’11 de juny 2014 ens va deixar la Francesca Bartrina, professora del Departament de Traducció, Interpretació i Llengües Aplicades, companya, amiga, professora, investigadora, pionera, mare, font d’energia, recordada avui i sempre. Podria Beatriu crear com Dante O cantar Laura la … Continue reading

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Translating for universities

On Wednesday 22 May we will be holding our last “Cápsula de traducción” open online conversation of the current season. In this session Richard Samson will discuss the topic of translating for universities with David Cullen, one of the in-house … Continue reading

Posted in English, Profession, Translation | Leave a comment

Open expert conversations 2024

Translation capsules is a series of online conversations between prestigious translation and language specialists and members of the UVic-UCC Department of Translation, Interpreting and Applied Languages. #conversatrad Each conversation is a live online webinar open to all who register. Tradiling is … Continue reading

Posted in Catalan, Culture, English, Interpreting, Profession, Spanish, Translation | Leave a comment

Word of the year 2023

It’s that time of year. Dictionary publishers are telling us about the trends they have detected in 2023. In this article we focus on six English picks but later on we may open out the article to include items in … Continue reading

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Translation in the era of artificial intelligence

The professional translation sector has changed dramatically over the past thirty years, harnessing fast-changing technological advances: personal computers (1980s), translation memories, fuzzy matching and terminology databases (1990s), online translation projects (2000s), neural machine translation (2010s) and, most recently, large language … Continue reading

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