Category Archives: German

Guanyadores del XXVIII Premi Andreu Febrer de Traducció Literària

Posted in Catalan, Events, German, Literature, Spanish, Translation | Leave a comment

Deutsch-Ostafrika en “Afterlives” y en su traducción al español

Pasamos continuamente de informarnos de forma global sobre los destinos del mundo leyendo solo titulares en los medios que centran puntualmente nuestra atención en los avatares de la vida de personas concretas. Una lectura o una conversación nos lleva a … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, English, German, Profession, Spanish, Translation | Leave a comment

Andreu Febrer Literary Translation Prize 2024

Posted in Catalan, English, Events, French, German, Literature, Postgraduate studies, Translation, Undergraduate studies | Leave a comment

Terminology for translators

Tradiling has frequently had occasion to refer to the translator’s friend, the Inter-Active Terminology for Europe (IATE) database. Here are links to our previous articles: 06.10.2014, 10.05.2017, 02.10.2017, 12.11.2018. Next week, IATE fans and inquisitive minds can get an update on IATE … Continue reading

Posted in Catalan, English, French, German, Profession, Spanish, Word reference | Leave a comment

WIPO Pearl

This is a guest article by Jost Zetzsche. (See the end of the article.) Years ago I rather briefly mentioned the impressive terminology repository WIPO Pearl,but after meeting Geoff Westgate of WIPO recently, I was once again reminded that it might be one … Continue reading

Posted in English, French, German, Spanish, Word reference | Leave a comment