Category Archives: English

Deutsch-Ostafrika en “Afterlives” y en su traducción al español

Pasamos continuamente de informarnos de forma global sobre los destinos del mundo leyendo solo titulares en los medios que centran puntualmente nuestra atención en los avatares de la vida de personas concretas. Una lectura o una conversación nos lleva a … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, English, German, Profession, Spanish, Translation | Leave a comment

Translating for universities

On Wednesday 22 May we will be holding our last “Cápsula de traducción” open online conversation of the current season. In this session Richard Samson will discuss the topic of translating for universities with David Cullen, one of the in-house … Continue reading

Posted in English, Profession, Translation | Leave a comment

Andreu Febrer Literary Translation Prize 2024: last call!

Posted in Catalan, English, Events, French, Literature, Postgraduate studies, Spanish, Translation, Undergraduate studies | Leave a comment

Open expert conversations 2024

Translation capsules is a series of online conversations between prestigious translation and language specialists and members of the UVic-UCC Department of Translation, Interpreting and Applied Languages. #conversatrad Each conversation is a live online webinar open to all who register. Tradiling is … Continue reading

Posted in Catalan, Culture, English, Interpreting, Profession, Spanish, Translation | Leave a comment

A translator’s preliminary questions. Part two: The how of it

This is the second of a two-part contribution on literary translation by Ronald Puppo. The first article A translator’s preliminary questions. Part one: The why of it appeared in Tradiling last March. As in my previous Verdaguerian adventures in translation … Continue reading

Posted in Catalan, English, Literature, Translation | Leave a comment