Category Archives: Anniversaries


Juneteenth, a portmanteau word derived from “June nineteenth”, is the anniversary of the proclamation in Texas on 19 June 1865 that freed the last slaves in the USA at the close of the Civil War. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s John Hancock

The start of July is noteworthy, among other things, for a cluster of national liberation anniversaries around the world: 1 July: Canada Day 3 July: Independence Day in Belarus 4 July: Independence Day in the USA 6 July: Independence Day … Continue reading

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25 years scrapbook

Here are some photos from Friday. As more bits and pieces are contributed, we will add them here. Thanks for the memories! This is the short retrospective video that was shown at the ceremony: If you have any more photos … Continue reading

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Looking back and on. Feeling disoriented

These are my notes for a short presentation at the event marking 25 years of translation in Vic. I was invited to reflect on changes in teaching over my time. To begin with, let me pose you a problem. You … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Digital stuff, Profession | Leave a comment

25 anys de traducció a Vic

Aquest curs acadèmic es commemoren els 25 anys dels estudis de Traducció i Interpretació a Vic. S’està preparant una celebració per al divendres 17 de maig a partir de les 17:00 h. L’acte tindrà un triple enfocament: acadèmic, professional i … Continue reading

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